Our Uniform Shop is conveniently based within the School. We stock almost all of our uniform, except for footwear.

Our shop opening times are as follows:

Tuesday12.00 noon to 1.00pm
Wednesday9.00am to 10.00am
Thursday3.00pm to 4.00pm

If you are unable to come during these opening times, you are welcome to complete and return an order form to the front office. Parents will then have the flexibility to collect once the order is complete.

Should an item be required that is not currently in stock, we will be happy to order it for you.

If you have any questions about uniform please contact Mrs Tillett at stillett@stdominicsgrammarschool.co.uk

Please see the forms below with regards to uniform purchases:

Uniform Order Form

Uniform List for Senior department

Uniform List for Pre-Prep & Prep departments