Pastoral Care

Where each and every child matters

Here at St. Dominic’s Grammar School, our strong sense of community is unrivaled. We pride ourselves as we support, nurture and guide our pupils through their School life. Our standards in pastoral care are exceptionally high and it is not only teachers and support staff who care for our children, but older pupils who take them under their wing and help mentor them.  Taking responsibility for fellow pupils is a key part of the culture of our School. With this in mind, our peer mentoring scheme and vertical tutoring system encourage children to help and support each other as they interact with children from different year groups.

The students also contribute to the life of the School through our School Council consisting of four committees: anti-bullying, food, learning, and charity.

With a smooth transition and induction process, we aim to settle students before their first day of School. Our ‘buddy system’ means that no child ever feels alone, and close relationships are developed between parents and their child’s Form Tutor, allowing any queries to be directed through a central point of contact. In addition to parent’s evening, we also operate an open door policy so parents are welcome to discuss their child’s progress where they feel necessary.

Formerly a convent, now non-denominational but with a Christian ethos; we welcome those of all faiths and none.  We place huge emphasis on moral fibre and developing an understanding of the wider world. This is encouraged through lessons such as Personal, Social & Health Education and Citizenship.

We believe in positive encouragement; a happy child learns well. Designated staff and strict protocols are in place to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our children is of the utmost priority. The Safeguarding policy can also be found on the School website.