
Unleash your Potential

Unleash your Potential

The lessons that we learn…

Sport is an important part of life at St Dominic’s Grammar School. The lessons that we learn through sport stay with us throughout our lives and help to teach us vital life skills, that are the building blocks for a healthy, happy, and successful future.

Through sport, we learn the importance of teamwork, resilience, and perseverance. We learn to be gracious in victory and in defeat. We learn that our bodies can be these amazing machines if well looked after.

We believe in giving our pupils the opportunity to try different sports, however, we have core sports that we focus on, so that we can field first-class teams and enjoy success in national-level tournaments.

Our sports…

Our chosen sports are netball and football for the Autumn and Spring term, with rounders and cricket during the Summer term, alongside ever-popular athletics. We fully support all our pupils in whatever their sporting passion may be, acknowledging and celebrating their achievements with them.

We partner with our sister school Birchfield to be able to increase the range of sporting opportunities that we offer.

By focusing on our chosen sport, we give our pupils the chance to excel. Our teams are strong and talented, as well as inclusive so everyone at St Dominic’s Grammar School can be involved in team events.

Our facilities…

Our impressive sports facilities include a modern, fully-equipped Sports Hall, ideal for those rainy days. We have invested in our extensive outdoor courts, which allow us to host netball tournaments, as well offering the flexibility to play tennis. With cricket nets, football pitches, rounders pitches, and athletics facilities, we optimise and utilise our 8-acre site very effectively.

Our scholarships…

St. Dominic’s is proud to award scholarships to those pupils who show excellence in their discipline. A number of our pupils have gone on to represent the county and country in their chosen sport. We always support and encourage Dominicans to strive to be the very best that they can be, whether their passion is a school sport or an external sport, we will still celebrate their achievements with them.

Our enrichment…

Our enrichment activities include a variety of sports clubs which take place before school, during lunchtime, and after school. Whether your child wants to join a pre-school fitness club or the ever-popular netball practice with our phenomenal Head of Sport, the choice is endless. Where we want to offer specialist coaching, we bring in carefully selected external teachers to coach sports such as dance and gymnastics.